What Causes Low Semen Volume?
According to dr.
Filsoof, who also endorses the product, the answer is in t-drive , a testosterone booster made by the industry-leading supplement company, inno supps. Known for its wide range of high-quality products, the maker says it's designed to boost testosterone and lower cortisol, which automatically makes this a win-win for men. Plus, t-drive is backed by some pretty impressive statistics. A pilot study conducted with 46 male patients with low sperm count revealed overwhelming results after daily consumption of 675 mg of ksm-66®. After 90 days, researchers reported the following results:
167% increase in sperm count
53% increase in semen volume.
Twenty-one healthy men, 23–33 years of age (mean age 25 years) were consecutively recruited. One subject failed to complete the study due to scheduling difficulties and his data is not included leaving 20 men with complete data; 3 of these men had proven past fertility with other study participants having no known inability to conceive. All had normal baseline semen parameters according to 2010 who criteria ( 11 ) except one man who was oligospermic. Data from this oligospermic man were included in analysis. Significant decreases were observed in mean semen volume, tmc and sperm concentration ( table 1 ).
The Bottom Line on How to Increase Semen Volume
Since several decades numerous experimental and epidemiological experiments tend to establish that in humans the semen volume declines with progression of age.
This literature review is intended to report the association between male age and semen volume. Review of english language-published research over the last 33 years, from january 1, 1980, up to december 31, 2013, has been conveniently constructed using medline database. Studies with inadequate numbers of subjects and case reports were excluded. Among the methodologically stronger studies, declines in semen volume of 3%–22% were likely when comparing 30-year-old men to 50-year-old men. The report suggests that increased male age is associated with a decline in semen volume, i.
When it comes to your sperm health, sperm volume is a factor worth measuring – but it’s not always the best indicator of fertility. The normal parameters for sperm volume lie between 1. 5 to 5. 0 milliliter per ejaculation – which is quite a large range. If you are at the lower end of the spectrum, you might be concerned that you are less fertile than someone who ejeculates a lot more – but that’s not always the case. You could have someone that produces 5ml of semen but have no motile sperm cells in there. Likewise, you could have someone who only fills up the cup to 2ml, but that small sample is full of healthy, active sperm cells.
This is a common question that we get here at supplement warehouse. Men call or email us asking the best way to increase sperm volume quickly, like overnight quickly! now before you jump in, there is normally a lot of confusion with the wording. While most say sperm, much of the time they mean semen. Sperm is more tied to fertility, which is almost impossible to improve overnight, while semen is the fluid released when ejaculation. Men tend to have fun with, and even brag to their friends about the amount of semen they released during their ejaculation. And sometimes even the women can judge a man on the amount of semen he releases.