What is male ejaculation? How does it occur?
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the inability of the penis to erect is known as erectile dysfunction.
It is a disorder that can severely affect one's self-confidence and produce relationship problems. The common symptoms of erectile dysfunction include problems erecting the penis, problems holding the erection, and a reduced desire to have sex. If the problem occurs or persists, it would help if you consult a doctor immediately. However, volume pills may come to your rescue in this regard. Volume pills is a supplement that promotes reproductive health in males. The pills help improve ejaculation, increase orgasms, and increase sexual desire.
Here are additional conditions that might lead to a decrease in semen volume: obstruction. "some men may be born with an ejaculatory duct obstruction, but that would be found early on in life," said farooq. He added that scar tissue or surgery on the prostate, bladder, or urethra can also result in reduced volume of male ejaculate. If there is more than 2 cc of fluid, however, he says that low semen volume is probably not the result of an obstruction. Retrograde ejaculation. This occurs when semen goes backwards into the bladder rather than forward out of the penis, resulting in less semen being released during ejaculation.
As males age, semen volume and strength of ejaculation can decrease, causing weak ejaculation. There are different things that can lead to weak ejaculation. Weakened pelvic muscles can decrease the force of ejaculation. Low testosterone levels may also be at fault. Declining levels of testosterone or an issue with testosterone production in the testicles can also occur with age. It’s also possible to have blockages in the tubes that carry sperm from the testicles or in the penis, which can prevent all of the semen from being ejaculated during orgasm. There’s also an ejaculatory dysfunction condition called retrograde ejaculation, which is when some or all of the semen travels back towards the bladder instead of being released out of the penis.
What is semen retention and are there benefits?
When it comes to semen, most men are typically concerned about how to ejaculate, more semen volume, and a higher concentration of sperm. However, there has been a rising growth in some men’s circles, where the exact opposite is their concern; how to ejaculate less.
Semen retention is the practice of avoiding ejaculation. In other words, semen retention is referred to the avoidance of male ejaculation via sexual abstinence, where the act of ejaculation is prohibited to reap the benefits it offers. Semen retention also includes stopping before the point of ejaculation or even teaching yourself to orgasm without actually ejaculating.
It’s the ultimate compliment – you’ve been craving your partner, delighting in their body and savoring their sex. Your partner deserves to feel appreciated and you need to show them how much they turn you on. Nothing makes it clearer than a passionate, powerful orgasm. They’ll be counting the seconds for round two.
Larry lipshultz, m. D. , of the scott department of urology at baylor college of medicine in houston, texas, encourages men concerned about their fertility to get out and exercise. “not only do they feel better,” he advises, “they lose fat and decrease the amount of testosterone converting to estrogen. ” by regulating these hormones and decreasing fat storage, men not only improve their fertility, but cardiovascular health as well. Weight resistance or cardiovascular exercises are most recommended for maintaining a healthy lifestyle and boosting fertility. Exercises like competitive cycling and triathlons should be practiced in moderation to avoid prostate irritation, lower testosterone production, and physical stress on the body.
Altering how the body deals with semen production, even the average guy can be shooting huge loads in just a week. I can't begin to tell you how many times i wished a guy had more to show for sex when he climaxed, and ben can attest to the feeling himself, so he’ll be manning most of the discussion here. Increasing semen count isn’t a hard equation. Some simple changes to your lifestyle = big impacts on your money shot. These changes aren’t just for vanity's sake either, they’ll help improve your sexual and general health too. Even if you want a quick solution and don’t want to waste time, you’ll be impressed by how little you’ll need to change for the effects to become apparent.